Monday, April 30, 2012

New Project "How to Write an About Me"

Here's my posting of a couple of videos for my newest project "How to Write an About Me." I've created a multi-media training kit with a .pdf ebook, four webinar-style videos of about 10 minutes each and the audio-only mp3 files from the videos.

If the kit generates enough interest and sales, I will have transcripts made for the videos as they have an idea or two not listed in the book. When I get talking, ideas pour out. I get requests for "I need to write a bio" rather frequently and thought this story-infused approach would be helpful for my guests and clients. It's rather straight-forward in my No-Nonsense approach.

At the moment of this writing, the kit is a download for just $7.00. That price will change soon. Get yours at this launch price if you are interested. Details at .

Here is a sample clip from one of the videos.

Here is the promotional video we put together to post on Youtube.

I'd enjoy helping you create your next About Me bio for your projects and websites. Come grab your copy of this affordable resource.

The is the official blog for K. Sean Buvala, storyteller and storytelling coach.