Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Free Storytelling ECourse


Learn the Art of Storytelling! Your own pace, privately and FREE OF CHARGE!

We’ve developed a free, 36-lesson Ecourse just for you! More than just "tips" to clutter up your Emailbox, we’ll teach you great things for storytelling to adults, teens, tweens and children.

Get free storytelling and presentation tips and lessons in your Email. Every 14 days or so, you’ll get another great storytelling tip and lesson from director and master storyteller
K. Sean Buvala. Subscribe today.

We never give away, sell or distribute your contact information. Never. You are in control of you subscription.

Use the form on this page to get started today. You’ll get your first lesson in a day or so.

The official blog for K. Sean Buvala, storyteller and storytelling coach.


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    What are you? Like a genious or something? No, seriously, I'm the lady, who won your Storytelling kit at the Diocese of Beaumont workshop. I now have a direction and "the map". Thanks for the wonderful ways to tell a story. God bless you forever!

  2. Oh, thank you. The kit is something we are very proud of. Don't forget you get free coaching from the kit, too. Glad you like it. The Ecourse is good, but having that workbook in your hands is really, really good.
